Public participation is the time that the Board has set aside to encourage you as members of our community to voice your opinion on any matter, either included on or excluded from, the printed agenda. A maximum time of five minutes will be allotted to a single individual or a single topic based on the number of requests. Complaints against any employee of the school system will not be heard unless the complaint has been submitted, in writing, to the Superintendent at least seven (7) days prior to the Board meeting. If unresolved, any personal complaints about school personnel must be put in writing for the Board to review in Executive Session. Personal attacks against any member of the Board will not be tolerated.
Once the time for public participation has passed, discussion of topics will be restricted to Board members only.
Thank you in advance for complying with this request.
**If you would like to speak at a school board meeting, please fill out the Public Participation form and submit it by 6:45 PM (15 minutes prior) the evening of the meeting.