The Newton County School System (NCSS) Educator Hall of Fame was established to honor and recognize the outstanding and memorable retired educators who significantly impacted and made a difference in the lives of their students and whose professional capability and integrity inspired the admiration and respect of not only students but fellow staff and the community. Nominees must have maintained exemplary standards of behavior and ethics, exhibited leadership, demonstrated competency in their subject matter, worked well with colleagues and administrators, and encouraged and motivated students, thereby leaving a lasting influence on the Newton County School System. The NCSS Educator Hall of Fame is also a means to honor the teaching profession as a whole for its vital role in shaping the future of individuals and society.
Candidates are selected for induction based on, but not limited to, the criteria listed below:
- A minimum of 20 years of service in the Newton County School System as a classroom teacher, administrator, counselor, or media specialist;
- Retired from the district for at least three years;
- Proof of quality teaching;
- Evidence of impact or significant contributions to student success
- Involvement outside the classroom, such as sponsor or extracurricular activities
All candidates will be judged on a preponderance of the evidence as demonstrated by their qualifications and letters of support from former students and colleagues. Significant, long-term contributions to student success are required. While many serve a long and distinguished career, longevity, without meaningful impact does not constitute appropriate credentials for Hall of Fame consideration.
The superintendent of Newton County Schools, will appoint a selection committee to review all nominations for approval. Educators who receive the Hall of Fame award will be recognized at a ceremony during American Education Week in November. The NCSS Teacher Hall of Fame will be maintained online and include pictures and biographies of all selectees. If not chosen the first year, a nominee may be considered for up to three years.
Nominations of retired educators are accepted from former students, colleagues, or the general public. Nomination packets are available for download by visiting the NCSS Educator Hall of Fame webpage.
Nominations should include a completed NCSS Educator Hall of Fame nomination form, the educator's biography, including a chronology of his/her career; letters of support for nomination from former students and coworkers; and any additional supporting materials, to include newspaper clippings, magazine articles and statistics to help substantiate the accomplishments and contributions of the nominee.
In completing the nomination materials, please utilize 8½ x 11" paper for all copies; type or print neatly all materials so that all information is legible; and put names on the back of any photos for ease of return. All information submitted is subject to be retained by the Newton County School System but most will be returned.
Completed nomination packets may be emailed to Ms. Sherri Partee, director of public relations for Newton County Schools at [email protected] or mailed as follows:
Newton County School System Educator Hall of Fame
c/o Ms. Sherri Partee
Director of Public Relations
2109 Newton Drive NE
Covington, Georgia 30014.
For more information, contact the public relations department at 770-784-2908.