The Dexter Mosely Act (Senate Bill 42) was passed by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2021 legislative session. This legislation authorizes home study students, as defined in O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690(c), in grades 6-12 to participate in extracurricular and interscholastic activities at the student’s zone public school. The DOE has information and guidance related to the Dexter Mosely Act available on the
GaDOE Home Schools information page.
In order for home study students in grades 6-12 to participate in extracurricular and interscholastic activities at their zoned public school, all of the
Student Eligibility Requirements must be met.
• The enrolling parent/guardian must notify the principal of the student’s zoned school and the director of Student Services at least 30 calendar days before the first school day of the semester in which a home study student will enroll in a qualifying course. Please note, high school students in the Newton County School System are enrolled in year-long courses.
• The home study student must have a Declaration of Intent Form confirming he/she is officially registered in Georgia's Home Study Program.
• The enrolling parent/guardian must provide to the principal a copy of the home study student’s most recent annual progress report, with written verification by the home study program instructor that the student is currently receiving a passing grade in each home study program course, is maintaining satisfactory progress towards advancement, and meets the academic requirements for participation in the specified extracurricular or interscholastic activity.
• The enrolling parent/guardian must complete the enrollment process for the Newton County School System.
• The home study student must enroll in and attempt to complete one qualifying course for each semester of the regular school year during any part of which the home study student participates in extracurricular and interscholastic activities. Please note, high school students in the Newton County School System are enrolled in year-long courses.
• The home study student must meet established age, academic, behavioral, conduct, disciplinary, residence, zoning, and other rules and requirements applicable to all students for participation in the specified E/I activity and agree to abide by the expectations and information listed in the Newton County Parent Information Guide and Student Code of Conduct.
• The home study student must complete the tryout process or equivalent for participation and be selected for the specified extracurricular or interscholastic activity in order to continue with enrollment.
No home study students should attend tryouts, workouts, club meetings, or practices/competitions until they are fully registered in the Newton County School System.
A home study student who withdraws from a public school to participate in a home study program shall be ineligible for participation in any extracurricular or interscholastic activity for 12 months from the date of the home study Declaration of Intent submission to the GaDOE.
You may complete your online application for enrollment using the Infinite Campus Online Registration (OLR) Application. If you have any additional questions, please contact the principal of the student’s zoned school or the Director of Student Services.
Middle School Principals
Clements Middle: Dr. Phonecia Wilson
[email protected]
Cousins Middle: Ms. Atosha Logan
[email protected]
Indian Creek Middle: Mr. Michael Chappel
[email protected]
Liberty Middle: Mr. NiQuan Alston
[email protected]
Veterans Memorial Middle: Mr. Marlon Gilbert
[email protected]
High School Principals
Alcovy High School: Dr. Kristopher Williams
[email protected]
Eastside High: Mr. Jeff Cher
[email protected]
Newton High: Ms. Dawn Price-Williams
[email protected]
Director of Athletics: To Be Announced